
The Oasis of Faith - about us


Who we are?
We are congragation of people trusting in Jesus Christ, in his Father, in Holy Ghost, in gospel unloaded by dogmas. The only source of our knowing and authority in our lives is Word of God. „And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.“ (Mark 16:15)
Why are we here?
We are here because we must interpret message about that God loves you and He has serious interest about you. „For God so loved the world(you), that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.“ (John 3:16) …

Price: 20,- Sk

Be self - confident!


A lot of dear brothers and sisters have problems in own life and these problems appear because they wrongly think. Own mind is not interested in right material and therefore we hear them saying wrong things – the same impossibilities and untrue things which are result of negative experiencies and emocions. They speak by own mouth and this helm their whole bodies and their whole lives. And If a brother warns in love – do not speak this, do not talk this thing about yourself, etc. It touches them and they are offended and they have crabbedness. Though they speak only this what they think – true ...

Price: 20,- Sk

You are WINNER!


What is it with me?
believed, I received Lord Jesus Christ, but there is always something wrong in my life. My testimony is not effective and nor I have not taste to testify that Jesus is good and he save, because I always fall... I am fed-up! It does not work, maybe I will leave this, I do not want to be hypocritical christian and rather I will be honest sinner. I can knock off it. I do all what I can, but I sin too, there gets on nothing, I am powerless. I always lose, I can not choose something else.

Do not always talk now with devil ...

Price: 20,- Sk

You will endure


Do I endure?
I suppose brother, that it is very unpleasant to endure in uncertainty, fear, apprehension, primarily, if you are sincere and you desire to become fond of God. You know Jesus, you taste heavenly kindness, nor you do not think about that you can live another life or you live your old life. And suddenly one lifted finger and statement, maybe from mouth of witness of Jehovah or some other, that sound very wisely and biblicaly: „You never know if you endure to end. Indeed Lord Jesus said: Who believe and endure to end, he will salvated!“ Yes, this statement is true, really who endure, he will be salvated …

Price: 20,- Sk

A christian, be going to leaving


We live in last times. Word of God warns us to live in watch and it cautions us to coming courts to earth for unfaithfulness and sin of humanity. But we who are reborn and we believed, we look with hope but with apprehension about our future too and our conditions in following situation. In this no clear situation there is needful to give light to these times and to show to nation of God his position in God´s plane for these times. There are a lot of groups of people who confess them as christians and they have different watch to this theme...

Price: 20,- Sk

© Christian Mission Centre Oasis of Faith 2006

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